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FC-10MLKT Tenoning machine

The FC-10MLKT tenoning machine and its derivatives are designed for machining of wood and wood-based materials. It is used to make tenons, mortise, micro-grips and other shapes at the ends of friezes, slats, planks, etc. Tenoning machines process a wide package and are particularly suitable for making micro-grips. The shortest elements must be at least 200 mm long.

Characteristics :
– the heaviest machine on the European market. Motor up to 11kW,
– machining height 140mm and more,
– hardened, precise rolling guides,
– long ruler with electronic measurement option,
– two working spindles – sawing and milling,
– thanks to the heavy structure, you can work with high parameters, without loss of accuracy and not worrying about the service life of the machine,

Mechanical feed drive
At one end of the beam there is an additional gear with an electric motor that moves the chain attached to the cart. The electrical installation is changed accordingly. In the version with a two-speed feed motor, the cart moves at a constant speed. In the version with an inverter (variable frequency power supply), the forward (working) speed is smoothly regulated by a potentiometer. The return movement has a constant speed.

Pneumatic pressures
Instead of the standard manual pressure, there is a short-stroke pneumatic actuator from the top, and a smaller horizontal actuator is screwed additionally on the side opposite the ruler to ensure that the workpiece adheres perfectly to the ruler.
The machine equipped with a mechanical feed has pneumatic clamps coupled with it.
The micro-grips tenoners have an upper pressure system across the entire table plate and two actuators on the side.

Automatic glue applicator
The glue applicator is used to apply glue to the surface of the micro-grip. The set consists of:
– glue nozzle with a guide system on the support and pneumatic drive,
– glue container,
– pneumatically operated glue valve.
The glue nozzle distributes the glue through nozzles and a comb. The outline of the comb is closely matched to the profile of the micro-grips. The nozzle is ejected (FC-10MLK version) to the working position each time the table is in the DOWN position.

elt table
The belt table allows for a significant reduction in working time by smooth, mechanical transport of the package under the pneumatic clamp. It eliminates manual pushing of the package slats against the stop.

The basic version has a manually operated sliding table, manual (eccentric) clamp of the workpiece from the top. The table makes the vertical adjustment movement. Its position and saw ejection can be indicated by counters. The main task of the tenoning machine is to make tenons and mortise for joining frames, moreover, profiling the ends of the slats, bars from the garden program, etc.

Additional equipment :
– pneumatic clamps: 1 × top + 1 × side
– mechanical table and saw position indicators
– mechanical feed drive (option: with speed regulation)
– steady rest in the table for long friezes

On request, you can use special fitting devices, a copying table for serial milling of arcs, an enlarged table, openwork – for polystyrene boards, or others.


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